July 2021
Original Painting
12” x 12”
30.48 cm x 30.48 cm
Acrylic, Fountain Pen Ink, Watercolor, and Ink
Not for Sale – Personal Collection
I painted THE GODDESS right when I returned from Costa Rica. I had the blessing of taking my first set of Ayahuasca journeys at the Rythmia Center in Costa Rica. This painting is so very like the images that I saw and experienced during my plant medicine journeys. I kept seeing these colorful, translucent layers of light and energy moving and pulsing. I felt and saw the presence of Mother Ayahuasca, sacred animals, and otherworldly beings as they moved in and out, and around us and the shamans in our sacred space. These were interdimensional experiences that I will always remember.
Mother Ayahuasca is powerful and purposeful. She helped me to face my fears and doubts and exposed hidden truths that I needed to see. The journeys were not easy, but they were necessary and crucial for my growth and healing. The shamans say the plant medicine can stay with you for 21 days after your last journey and continue working within you for your healing. This is true as many more truths and insights were continually revealed to me once I returned home. I was so grateful that the Goddess Mother was staying with me for a little bit longer to guide me on my new path.
The original painting in this personal collection is not available for sale or print reproduction. However, I would be delighted to work on an original commission painting with you. Please contact us to further explore the creation of your treasure.
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