I believe in the Divine, in the realm of the ethereal, and in the many translucent veils of loving energy and vibrations all around us.  All my life, I have been blessed and embraced by benevolent, powerful energy, guiding me on my path, even at some of the lowest points.  Whether you believe in angels, Spirit, divine beings, etc., there is a powerful, loving Universal vibration that surrounds each and every one of us, and connects us all.  In my paintings, I co-create with the Universe to communicate this love to you.

The stars, night skies, galaxies (known and unknown)…they all call to me. It’s the whisper of “home” and promises of new adventures wrapped together.  Often, I’ll start a background painting and I just let my paints, brushes, and pens show me what is to be created.  Inevitably, I’m shown the way to create a new galaxy or celestial realm.  And then I’m excited for what will next be revealed to me!

We live right next to a lush greenbelt filled with many creatures large and small.  We decided to build my art studio in our back garden as Mother Earth’s loving energy is strong here.  Soft deer eyes often peek at me as I make my way to my studio each day.  It’s here that I’m inspired to create.  With each season, there is much to see, feel, and enjoy.  And it’s these feelings that make their way onto my paint brushes to share with you.

Suminagashi is the Japanese art of “floating ink” on water.  I mix ink colors, drop them in random fashion, or certain patterns onto the water bath.  And then I wait to see what happens! I love the random and sometimes unexpected formations as each unique, beautiful painting emerges from the water.

When I felt the compelling urge to start painting in February 2021, I was unsure of why I felt this calling at this later stage in my life.  I was also baffled because I was not a painter.  I had never painted anything before except my fingernails.  But I listened to Spirit.  I let my eyes and hands, and most importantly, my soul steer me on this new path.  And things just began to flow.

This was a time of self-discovery and healing for me.  What I realized during the rest of 2021, is that I HAD to paint.  If I did not pick up my paint brushes for more than two days, my hands began to physically ache to the point that they were weakened with pain and unable to hold a simple cup of water.  But when I picked up my paints, paint brushes, and pens, and let the creative flow happen, then the pain in my hands disappeared. And so, I began to paint.  Every. Single. Day.

This is my personal collection of the celestial guides who appeared quickly to me within the first few months.  They arrived as I was getting familiar with all things painting, and they helped me at the start of my artistic journey.  These angels revealed themselves to me, one at a time, and each angel had a specific message for me.  I’ve shared these messages in the narrative for each painting. 

I’m pleased to have you meet some of my angelic guides.  Thank you for sharing the journey with me!

Although my original paintings in this personal collection are not available for sale or print reproduction, I would be delighted to work on an original commission painting for you.  


Stay tuned for something new, something mesmerizing,  something mystical…something mini!!!