February 2021
Original Painting
22” x 30”
55.88 cm x 76.20 cm
Watercolor and Ink
Not for Sale – Personal Art Collection
I almost threw away this painting after laying down the first layer of background colors. Things seemed discordant and didn’t have the flow I wanted. I didn’t like what I saw at all. I considered painting over the first layer or dumping the painting all together.
My artist best friend told me to just leave the piece alone. He stated that sometimes, the artwork just needs time. So, I put this painting away for three weeks and forgot about it. My friend also said that when I was ready, to try looking at my work from a different angle.
Then late one night, I revisited this painting. I turned the board from a horizontal view to a vertical view, and I also flipped the board. And then this angel quietly and slowly revealed herself. Where I once saw nothing but a jumble of colors and strange marks, I was amazed to see her clearly defined: double wings; the crown on her head with long locks; and the skirt that flowed around her. I was stunned at what I saw, and I began to paint and draw in earnest. It was a magical week of flow and grace.
As I normally do, when I finished, I asked this painting: “What’s your name?” She gently but firmly whispered: “SURRENDER.” And she is still one of my favorite paintings to date. In the lesson of “surrender,” I release and let the Universe guide me. I know that all will be revealed in time and that my greatest good is always waiting for me right around the corner.
The original painting in this personal collection is not available for sale or print reproduction. However, I would be delighted to work on an original commission painting with you. Please contact us to further explore the creation of your treasure.
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