April 2021


Original Painting

15” x 22”

38.10 cm x 55.88 cm

Watercolor and Ink

Not for Sale – Personal Art Collection


Each time I begin a painting session, I ask my Angels, Ancestors, and Ancients to guide me.  I ask them to reveal to me what I’m to see and what to pull forth from the background colors of my first painted layer. All my paintings have many layers upon layers of color and texture.  This is because the eternal Universal energy around us is comprised of many layers and many different dimensions.

As with my art sessions and throughout my life, I have asked my guardians for guidance and protection.  They are unseen but they are felt in every fiber of my being.  I never walk a path alone.  Even in the darkest times, I’m surrounded by my loving guardians.  I can always feel their steadfast presence.  And I am loved.

The original painting in this personal collection is not available for sale or print reproduction.  However, I would be delighted to work on an original commission painting with you.  Please contact us to further explore the creation of your treasure.   
