Friday Fun Fact #15 About Irene...

6.2.23:  Fact #15 – Choco is always ready! 

Choco is always ready for art time!  After breakfast, he’s the first one out the kitchen door and running across the paver stones to my art studio.  Even on the days when I can’t spend time in the studio, Choco sits in front of my red doors waiting for me to open the doors.

 I love his calming energy and also the way he snores gently in his corner bed when it’s nap time.  He usually has his Sasquatch toy or his octopus toy snuggled right next to him.  Choco’s presence is sweet and grounding as I create with my favorite music playing softly in the background.  My studio is a place of magical dreams, endless possibilities, and channeling activation art.  I know that Choco’s beautiful light and energy amplify love in my studio. Thanks so much, Choco!!