Friday Fun Fact #14 About Irene...

5.26.23: Fact #14 – I was in the corporate world of HR for 33 years before following my passion and choosing the artist life.
Right after college, I worked in many well-known international companies (retail, technology, games, and entertainment) as an HR manager or leader. The last fifteen years of my corporate career was in senior leadership or executive leadership. I enjoyed leading teams and creating wonderful company cultures that focused on people. I traveled the globe, and was blessed working with talented and fun colleagues. Some of these colleagues became my friends and hail from so many countries: Australia, Ireland, South Korea, UK, Germany, Japan, and the US.
I experienced many valuable lessons over the years, and created amazing memories. Along the way, I found a new calling and saw a new path illuminated for me. And eventually, I had the courage to take the leap of faith and follow my heart into the world of art. Each day is a new blessing!