Year of the Dragon:
It's Time to Roar in 2024!


Happy New Year! I feel that 2024 will be a magnificent year filled with many adventures, blessings, and new experiences.  I can feel this in my soul, and I’m excited to see what unfolds in this year of the Dragon!

I recently found my high school photo when I was 16 years old. It seems like an eternity ago and it also feels like yesterday. What I realized looking at this photo is that for so many years (and even into my adulthood), I played small and didn’t give myself permission to soar. I was scared to be seen and heard (let alone roar). I was scared to step forward to claim my birthright of love, joy, and a beautiful life. I allowed myself to be be boxed into a world of insecurities, fear, limited thinking, and a yearning to be part of main stream groups just so that I could feel a sense of relevance and belonging. 

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